The path towards starting something new can be a daunting one and it's easy to be held back by the sheer number of different directions to go in, even without having taken that first step. But that first step - that's the most critical piece of the puzzle. For Toronto based, DIY fashion content creator Andre Chin aka Glory Allan, he has become comfortable with being uncomfortable taking that first step and it has taken him to incredible heights. With hundreds of thousands of followers tuning in for his do-it-yourself sewing and garment making tutorials, many of whom start with his pre-made garment kits, or eagerly waiting to cop his ready-to-wear namesake brand, Glory Allan has started to develop some incredible experience and we were excited to get the chance to stop by his studio space to chat with him about it all. Check out the conversation below!
Hey Andre, great to link up! What have you been up to these days?
Hey guys! Lots of stuff. I've been working on a bunch of new videos, including a new thrift concept that isn't my typical style but I'm excited and nervous for it. I'm also working on getting the cargo pants DIY content together. That'll be a big one. I've done parts of cargos like the pockets but the full pants video has been a lot of work to get together.
Nice! We'll definitely talk about the cargos and DIY but tell us about the thrift video and that new style.
It's basically me getting out to thrift stores and picking pieces I like. I haven't done much filming outside of my studio space so filming in public like that was super awkward but I think it'll turn out well.

What pushed you to try this new video style?
I think it's important for showing my growth and keeping things interesting for my audience. I think that's super important, especially for early YouTubers. You can't be afraid to put yourself out there. For this video I filmed on Friday, I watched the footage and it feels so cringe but I know I have to use the footage and I know I'll keep getting better. You need that mentality as a YouTuber. Maybe nobody watches it but maybe they do and you can get feedback and just keep working on it from that.
You've grown quite the audience now on YouTube. What do you think the trick to that was?
A few things! The first is that for my DIY videos, I've focused on a lot of non-trendy videos so that they stay relevant longer. I've also created content in a way that there's something for everyone at every skill level. So, I have basic tutorials like the bucket hats or bandanas that people can join in on when they're starting out and then I have the more complex tutorials like cargo pants. I have to think about what level my audience might be at when they're discovering me which is probably on the beginner side. So, I can't start them with cargo pants, I need to guide them through and have content for them every step of the way as they develop.
From a reach stand point, I've also used TikTok well to drive people to my YouTube. The ability to go viral is so much higher on TikTok and then a lot of people will go from my TikTok videos to my longer form content on YouTube.

Besides racking up views on your videos, you're also selling DIY kits and your own line of products. How does your content strategy as a creator play into selling those?
The content strategy is super important. You can have the best products in the world but if you don't have a good content strategy to build the traffic and excitement, nobody will buy your products. The content is likely what people will interact with before your actual products, whether it's getting someone to buy something online or even drive someone into a store, so that first impression is everything.
At the same time though, content can only get you so far. It's a funny thing you have to balance. If you spend too much time on the content but neglect the product and developing something people actually want, then you're on the opposite side of that spectrum which isn't good.

Well, it seems like you've started to figure out that balance. Now that you're building quite the audience and moving a lot of sales volume, how does it feel?
It's amazing, but honestly, I get hit with imposter syndrome so much because I don't have any formal sewing background or training with a camera or anything like that.
How do you deal with the imposter syndrome?
I try not to take it too seriously. I know it's always going to be there but I feel like everyone is a bit of an imposter. I just try to be grateful for where I am and if I have a hundred thousand people following me, I'm obviously doing something right.

You're definitely doing something right! Before we let you go, do you have any advice to people just starting to develop their own creative business?
Make sure you have a long term vision. Even if you're starting to see success now, with whatever you're working on, think about how it's going to make you money in ten years and if it will be able to still stand out in ten years. I know it sounds crazy and so far along but if you can think about ways you'll build more revenue streams and stay unique, that will be how you become very successful and always continue to grow.